Welcome to Betamore
Workshop Overview
Heard of Git and Github, but don’t know what they are? This workshop will help familiarize you with these tools for sharing and revising projects online. Git is a distributed revision control system that provides support for non-linear workflows – essentially it allows you to maintain a full repository of all of the changes and revisions you’ve made to a project. Github is an online Git repository hosting service, which provides an online graphical interface and other mobile and desktop integrations for utilizing Git.
Objective: to use Github as a tool to collaborate in the open source community and create a blog hosted on Git.
At the end of the workshop students will be able to:
- Define the purpose of Git and Github
- Discuss the uses of Github
- Develop and edit content on Github
Completion of online Git tutorial (should know how to clone and commit)
What to Bring
Laptop with Git installed
Skills Taught
Git / Github